Colorado Springs Little League 2025 Sponsorship Program
To Our Valued Sponsors & Beloved Community,
Snow may be still on the ground, but baseball and softball season is just around the corner!
Colorado Springs Little League (CSLL) would like to ask for your support to become an integral part of our great program.
CSLL, a non-profit organization, is proudly the longest running little league in Southern Colorado, providing coaching and guidance to Colorado Springs boys and girls. We provide baseball and softball leagues, as well as tournament and instructional opportunities for over 450 kids (age 4-16) each year. Along with our volunteers, sponsors and donors are a crucial part of our team.
Registration fees are kept as low as possible and only cover a portion of our costs. The remaining costs are covered by donations from our wonderful sponsors and donors. Your generous sponsorship dollars provide an opportunity for children to learn the game of baseball, understand the value of teamwork, and establish childhood memories that will last a lifetime.
Your support helps pay for field rental & maintenance, uniforms, baseballs and other equipment, umpires, tournaments, scholarships for those in need, and more.
Sponsorship Opportunities for 2025
1) League Sponsor - $5000 – Your Logo on ALL CSLL team jersey’s (baseball & softball) Spring and Fall seasons. A banner with your Logo displayed at the fields (Spring will be on display at Leon Young and Fall will be at Goose Gossage).
2) Division Sponsor - $1000 - Your Logo on an entire division's jersey for either the Spring or Fall season. You can choose T-ball, Rookies, Minors etc.
2) Team Sponsor - $500 - Your Logo on a team’s jersey for either the Spring or Fall season.
4) Friends of CSLL – We also want to recognize those people/groups who just want to donate to support our program at any level. You will be thanked in the sponsorship page of our website.
All sponsors and donors also receive the following:
1. Listing on the CSLL Little League website
2. Acknowledgement at our Opening Day Ceremony and opportunity to set up a table/booth to introduce yourself to our families.
3. Encouraged patronage at your business by our CSLL community
On behalf of our players, coaches, volunteers, and families, the CSLL Board of Directors would like to thank you for your support, and we would be delighted if you are able to identify a sponsorship program that not only matches your budget but your heart as well.
All Spring Sponsorships must be turned in by Feb 28, 2025.
Thank You,
Anastasia Stratmann
Sponsorship Director
[email protected]
Jon Duncan
[email protected]