2022 Spring Baseball Divisions (All Baseball Divisions League Ages are determined by age as of 31 August 2021)
Modified Tee Ball - Ages 4-6
Often, a family’s first introduction to Little League® is in the Tee Ball program. Tee Ball is the entry level division for players, ages 4-7. The experience is grounded in fun, fitness, and fundamentals while also being a key to growing a child’s love for the game.
We offer a modified Tee Ball/Coach Pitch Program, players can hit a ball off a batting tee or the coach. The primary goals of Tee Ball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork. The roster size for a Tee Ball team averages 7-10 players, with a season featuring 1-2 practices per week with one game per week. This is a 8-10 game program. Teams are formed by zip code and/or coach request. Contact
[email protected] for more information.
For more information on the Tee Ball program please visit the Little League Site here:
Rookies Machine Pitch Minors Baseball - Ages 6-8
The Machine Pitch Minors Division is an instructional player pitch minors division for players 6 - 8 years old to get them ready for the player pitch and 50/70 Divisions. This division will place great emphasis on the players' understanding of their positions and the basic rules of baseball. Rosters will be composed of 12 players. This is a 12 - 14 game program. There will be two games played a week and an option for the coach to hold up to two practices a week. It is recommended that the team does not meet more than four times a week with games and practices. Teams are formed by zip code and/or coach request. Contact
[email protected] for more information.
Player Pitch Minors Baseball - Ages 8-10
The Player Pitch Minors division is for players 8-10 years old who are ready for the more advanced baseball program. This Minors Division will follow the rules as outlined in the Current Year Little League Rule Book. Some notable differences in this division comparable to the younger divisions is that "stealing" bases are now allowed once the ball is pitched and crosses home plate. Rosters will be composed of 12 players. This is a 12 - 14 game program. There will be two games played a week and an option for the coach to hold up to two practices a week. It is recommended that the team does not meet more than four times a week with games and practices. This division will place great emphasis on the players' understanding of their positions and the more advanced rules of baseball. Teams are formed by zip code and/or coach request. Contact
[email protected] for more information.
After the regular season we will choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 8-11 year-olds from within this division, and the team may enter the Local District Tournaments.
For further information on the Minors baseball division please visit the Little League Site here:
Intermediate 50/70 Baseball - Ages 11-13
The Intermediate 50/70 division, which is a newer division of Little League Baseball is for players league-age 11-13 with postseason tournament opportunities, including a World Series, offers a transition for players between the standard Little League field size (46-foot pitching distance and 60-foot base paths) and the Junior/Senior/Big League field size (60-foot, 6-inch pitching distance and 90-foot base paths). Many of the Junior League rules will be used such as runners being permitted to lead off bases, runners may attempt to steal at any time, and allowing an on-deck batter. The diamond used is a 70-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 50 feet. Rosters will be composed of 12 players. This is a 12 - 14 game program. There will be two games played a week and an option for the coach to hold up to two practices a week. It is recommended that the team does not meet more than four times a week with games and practices. Teams are formed by a draft by the coaches with evaluations given before the season starts. Contact
[email protected] for more information.
After the regular season we will choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 12-13 year-olds from within this division, and the team may enter the International Tournament.
For further information on the 50/70 baseball division please visit the Little League Site here:
Juniors Baseball - Age 14
The Junior League Baseball Division is for players 14 years old, using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. This Division may intra-league with the surrounding Little Leagues. For more information please contact
[email protected]
After the regular season we will choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 14 year-olds from within this division, and the team may enter the International Tournament.
For further information on the Juniors baseball division please visit the Little League Site here:
Challenger Baseball
The Challenger Division was established in 1989 as a separate division of Little League to enable boys and girls with physical and mental challenges, ages 4-18, or up to age 22 if still enrolled in high school, to enjoy the game of baseball along with the millions of other children who participate in this sport worldwide. Today, more than 30,000 children participate in more than 900 Challenger Divisions worldwide. Teams are set up according to abilities, rather than age, and can include as many as 15-20 players. Challenger games can be played as tee ball games, coach pitch, player pitch, or a combination of the three. Each player gets a chance at bat. The side is retired when the offense has batted through the roster, or when a pre-determined number of runs has been scored, or when three outs are recorded. Little League recommends that no score be kept during games. The Challenger players wear the same uniforms, shoulder patches and safety equipment as other Little League players.
One of the benefits of having a Challenger Division is that it encourages the use of "buddies" for the Challenger players. The buddies assist the Challenger players on the field but whenever possible, encourage the players to bat and make plays themselves. However, the buddy is always nearby to help when needed.
For further information on the Challenger baseball division please visit the Little League Site here:
For more information on the Challenger Division, contact Chris Robinson at
[email protected]
2022 Spring Girls Softball Divisions:
Minors Softball - Ages 7-9
The Minors Girls Softball Division is for girls ages 7-9. This Division will intra-league with the surrounding Little Leagues. The diamond has 60-foot base paths and a 35 foot pitching distance. For more information please contact
[email protected].
For further information on the Girls Softball divisions please visit the Little League Site here:
Majors Softball - Ages 10-12
The Majors Girls Softball Division is for girls ages 10-12. This Division will intra-league with the surrounding Little Leagues. The field uses a 60-foot diamond and a 40 foot pitching distance. For more information please contact
[email protected]
For further information on the Girls Softball divisions please visit the Little League Site here:
Juniors Softball - Ages 12-14
The Junior Girls Softball division is for girls ages 12-14. This Division will intra-league with the surrounding Little Leagues. The field is a conventional 60-foot diamond with a 43 foot pitching distance. For more information please contact
[email protected]
For further information on the Girls Softball divisions please visit the Little League Site here: